xterm 中 screen 前缀快捷键 ctrl-l 莫名失效

今天,screen 快捷键前缀,莫名失效,但是定义的 F9 /  F11 /  F12 是可用的。
只是说明,看来 C-l 快捷键绑定出了问题,然后开始。突然转到 浏览器 发现
fcitx 输入法开启了 联想 模式,原来是 fcitx 开启 联想模式的快捷键冲突了。

escape ^ll
bindkey -k F1 prev
bindkey -k F2 next

修改 fcitx 配置,重启 fcitx。xterm,重新连接 sreen,貌似正常了!

Category: Linux | Tags: problem xterm screen fcitx | Read Count: 4343
依云 说:
2011年6月28日 01:31


ESIC challan payment 说:
2022年8月06日 03:49

Insurance has become a vital enrollment for all employees in this age and the state governments in India have provided their employees with various schemes that allow them to find themselves good plans from the state government itself, and one of the finest options of this is the security provided since the Insurance is provided by the State Government. ESIC challan payment In this context, if employee opted for Employee state insurance, then you will have to pay monthly contributions towards insurance. This monthly ESI contribution deducts from the employee or the employee can choose to pay at their appropriate times.

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